The Viceroy Bali was built in an unspoiled place in Indonesia. This hotel presents the nature of Bali. It is a special value from this hotel. The Viceroy Bali used Natural Stone Tiles for the building and the swimming pool. The natural stone makes the hotel look natural in modern design.

Green Bali Tiles
(Source : Instagram/viceroybali)

Yellow Palimanan Stone Wall
(Source : Instagram/nulielu)
Viceroy Bali applied two Types Natural Stone for the swimming pool. They are Green Sukabumi Stone and Yellow Palimanan Stone. Green Sukabuni Stone is applied for the swimming pool tiles. This stone is very famous because it is applied in many swimming pools in the world, especially in Bali. It gives a beautiful look of green, makes the pool clean, is anti slip, has stable temperature, etc.

Green Sukabumi Wall
(Source : Instagram/
The Natural Green Sukabumi Stone
Green Sukabumi Stone makes the swimming pool clean because it has a Zeolite material. This material destroys the microorganisms in the pool. So, the swimming pool is free from microorganisms.
Yellow Palimanan Stone is applied for the pool deck and the walling. This is a soft rock stone. This stone is good for a pool deck because it has a smooth surface that is comfortable for a walk.

Amazing Green Bali Tiles Pool Wall
(Source : Instagram/johnny_and_betty_travels)
Green Sukabumi Stone is also applied for the pool wall. On the picture above, the pool wall applied Rough Face Finishing. This is a beautiful and natural finishing of Green Bali Tiles.

Yellow Palimanan Stone Pool Deck
(Source :
Yellow Palimanan Stone also has a unique texture. There is a wood line texture from the stone. It looks like a natural wood wall.
That is our review about the Viceroy Bali, Indonesia. For more reviews, please check on our website. For more detail information, please contact us.