The Oasis Lagoon Sanur, Bali is a cheap hotel in Bali, but it provides great facilities. It gives the best Swimming Pool, comfortable bedroom, and other great facilities. This hotel is located near the famous beach in Bali. So, we can easily come to the beach.

Sukabumi Tiles Swimming Pool
(Source : Instagram/larisa_lemekha)

Green Sukabumi Tiles Pool
(Source : Instagram/mayko_nails
The Black Lava Stone for Pool Deck
Oasis Lagoon Sanur Bali has a unique building because it was built vertically with a luxury design. The swimming pool of Oasis Lagoon Sanur Bali was built using Green Sukabumi Stone and Bali Lava Stone. Green Sukabumi Stones make the swimming pool has an elegant look and more comfortable. This stone is also applied by many other hotels and villas in Bali.

Bali Lava Stone Tiles
Source : Instagram/line_ch_
Green Sukabumi Stone can be found only in Indonesia. It has Zeolite substances, anti slip surface, fresh, natural color of green, etc. The Zeolite substance of Green Sukabumi Stone makes the swimming pool free from microorganisms. Green Sukabumi Stone has a high density that makes the stone has a low water absorption, strong and durable.

Black Bali Lava Stone Pool Deck
Source : Instagram/jentryeatsshit
The black color on the swimming pool deck is from Black Lava Stone. This stone is good for swimming pool because it has a natural air flow system. This Natural air flow system is from the tiny holes in the stone. This stone is also strong and durable and makes the water look cool. It is also comfortable to walk barefoot.

Green Sukabumi Tiles for Pool
(Source : Instagram/adelaidewilliams)
That is the review about Oasis Lagoon Sanur, Bali. We hope this review can give you an idea about the hotel. For more review, please check our website. For more detail information and question, do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for reading.