Qunci Villas West Nusa Tenggara, Lombok is the best villa in the world. This villa has a nature view. We will get good services and facilities. Visitors will get an unforgettable moment in this awesome place. We can find a private room and pool. This villa is located near a beach. So, we can feel the Lombok beach from our bedroom.

Green Sukabumi Tiles Swimming Pool
Source : Instagram/lombokbulanmadu

Other Green Sukabumi Tiles Swimming Pool
Source : Instagram/stevephotographs
Infinite Green Sukabumi Stone Swimming Pool
Another great facility from this villa is the outdoor swimming pool that is located near a beach. We can feel the beach breeze when we swim in this pool. This swimming pool was made higher than the floor. So, the swimming pool needs to add pool outdoor walls. This swimming pool was made using Natural Stone of Indonesia, Green Sukabumi Stone and White Palimanan Stone.

Green Sukabumi Tiles Rough Face Walling
Source : Instagram/vigneauverre
Green Sukabumi Stone is great choice for swimming pool and wall. This stone was applied for the wall with Rough Face Finishing. It makes the wall looks very natural. This stone was combined with White Limestone. The combination of White Palimanan and Green Sukabumi Stone makes the wall looks beautiful and interesting.

Sukabumi Tiles and White Limestone Tiles Rough Face
Source : Instagram/chiyuenthan
Green Sukabumi Stone is the best pool tiles in the world because it makes the swimming pool comfortable and durable. This stone has Zeolite substances. This substance makes the pool free from microorganisms. Green Sukabumi Stone has a high hardness. So, the stone is not easy to break and crack. This Natural Stone Indonesia also has an anti slip surface and a stable temperature.

Another Green Sukabumi Tiles Swimming Pool
Source : Instagram/hotel_trotter
Great White Palimanan Stone for Pool Deck
Another stone that is applied for Swimming Pool deck and pool wall is White Palimanan Stone. This stone is great choice because it has a smooth surface. It makes us feel comfortable when we walk barefoot. We can see the elegant look of white. This stone has a texture like beach sands. For the pool wall, White Palimanan Stone was applied in Rough Face Finishing, combined with Green Sukabumi Stone. It makes the wall look beautiful and natural.

White Limestone Tiles Pool Deck
Source : Instagram/hayleyhubbs2303
This is the review about Qunci Villas West Nusa Tenggara, Lombok (Green Sukabumi Stone, White Palimanan Stone). For more review, please check our website. For more detail information about Natural Stone of Indonesia, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our professional team will be glad to answer all of your questions.