Bulgari Hotels & Resorts is the largest resort in Bali. This hotel provides many facilities, especially for a wedding event. This hotel has a natural concept. We can see from the many trees that grow there. This hotel also add many natural stones for the walling, flooring and swimming pool. It makes this hotel be in the first class of other hotels.

Kerobokan Tiles Walling
(Source : www.travelandleisure.com)

Bali Kerobokan Stone Stairs
(Source : Instagram/amarainparis)
Best Traditional Bali Kerobokan Stone
We will review the application of Bali Kerobokan Stone. This stone is a traditional stone from Bali’s culture. This stone has a gray color with black spots. This stone can be applied for the walling and flooring. Bulgari Hotel & Resort applied this stone to get an elegant walling. The wall is very large and looks elegant.

Green Sukabumi Tiles swimming Pool
(Source : Instagram/fifimanini)
Another stone that is used in Bulgari Hotel & Resort is Green Sukabumi Stone. This stone has many benefits for the swimming pool. This stone can make the swimming pool clean. This stone has an anti microorganism that is called Zeolite substance. This stone also makes the pool look natural in green.

Sukabumi Tiles for Pool
(Source : Instagram/gemologue)
Green Sukabumi Stone is the best swimming pool tiles in the world because this Natural Stone is very rare and very elegant. This stone can found only in Indonesia. This stone has been applied in many great swimming pools in the world. This stone also has an anti slip material, stable temperature and cold surface.

Yellow Stone Tiles Wall and Floor
(Source : Instagram/voucherhotelbali)
Another natural stone that is applied in Bulgari resort is Yellow Stone tiles. This stone has yellow lines, like on a wood texture. This stone makes the wall and flooring look like a wood. In Bulgari resort, this stone is applied for the swimming pool deck. It is good to apply this stone for the flooring near the swimming pool because we will be comfortable to walk on this stone. This stone has a smooth surface. So, it is comfortable to walk barefoot.