Six Senses Ninh Van Bay is a hotel with an amazing beach view in Vietnam. It has a natural concept. This Natural feeling will give us good experience after the long work and the busy activities. This hotel is located in a strategic location. It chose the best natural stone for the swimming pool, wall and flooring.

Balinese Stone Tiles
(Source : Instagram/trivago)

Green Balinese Stone Tiles swimming Pool
(Source : Instagram/justineavenel)
The Best Green Sukabumi Stone
Six Senses Ninh Van Bay, Vietnam built the swimming pool in front of a beach. We can see the beach view and feel the breeze beach. This swimming pool has green and classic white look. The green swimming pool is from Green Sukabumi Stone. This is the best choice for swimming pool because it gives natural look of green.

White Bali Stone Tiles
(Source : Instagram/sixsensesninhvanbay)
Green Sukabumi Stone has been applied by many hotels and villas in the world. This stone has many benefits for the swimming pool. This stone can be found only in Indonesia. This stone makes the pool clean, fresh, stable temperature, durable, etc. This stone is formed by great substances.

White Bali Stone Tiles for Pool Deck
(Source : Instagram/trietwine)
White Bali Stone Tiles is great combination for Green Sukabumi Stone. This combination makes the pool looks elegant. White Palimanan Stone is good for pool deck because it is smooth for walking barefoot. This stone has a smooth surface and anti slip. This stone also makes the flooring temperature cold and normal.

White Bali Stone Tiles Floor
(Source : Instagram/verynice_h)
That is our review about Six Senses Ninh Van Bay, Vietnam. For more review, please check on our website. For more information about us, please contact us. Our professional team will be glad to answer your questions.