Gili Lankanfushi Maldives was reopened at the end of 2019. This is one of the best luxury hotels in the world. It looks stunning and the waters are beautiful. It is awarded by several recognitions, such as the Best Resort in the Maldives on TripAdvisor twice and the Best Destination Spa by Conde Nast Johansens Awards for Excellence in 2018.

Gili Lankanfushi Maldives aerial photo villa suite with pool
Gili Lankanfushi Maldives has a beautiful swimming pool. This swimming pool applied natural stones from Indonesia. The natural stones are Bali Green Sukabumi Stone, Bali White Palimanan Stone, and Bali Black Lava Stone.
Green Sukabumi Stone for Swimming Pool
Green Sukabumi Stone is used as the pool tiles. This stone is strong and durable in all conditions because it has solid materials. It makes the swimming pool safe to use because it is anti slip. That is the benefits of Green Sukabumi Stone. For more detail, please check our article about Green Sukabumi Stone on our website.
White Palimanan Stone for Pool Deck
White Palimanan Stone is used for the pool deck and some parts around pool. It makes the pool deck look white like sands. This stone makes the pool deck look elegant and comfortable. It has a smooth surface. So, we will be comfortable when we walk barefoot. White Palimanan Stone has some benefits. For more detail, please check on our website.
Bali Black Lava Stone for Pool Deck
Black Lava Stone is also used as the pool deck. The combination of White Palimanan and Lava Stone is great. The pool looks so beautiful and unique.
That is our review about Gili Lankanfushi Maldives (Green Sukabumi Stone, White Palimanan Stone, Black Lava Stone). For more information, please contact us. We will be glad to answer all of your questions